Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tip: Record the cemetery name on your camera roll

If you are like me and take loads and loads of photos, often at several (sometimes many) cemeteries on one day, it could be easy to mis-identify a gravestone’s location. 

So what I do—and this may be what you do too—is take a photo of the cemetery sign as soon as I arrive, which places a visual cue on my digital camera roll: Here begins ABC Cemetery.

This simple technique works great...most of the time.

Today I arrived at Armstrong Cemetery to discover that this tiny cemetery in rural Morrow County has no sign.

Hmm. How do I record the cemetery’s name before I start snapping gravestone photos?

Smart phone and Google Maps to the rescue!

I pulled up Google Maps, which had guided me to Armstrong to begin with, and touched the red pin that marked the cemetery to display the place name. Then I simply saved an image of the screen to the camera roll.

Here begins Armstrong Cemetery.


  1. Yes...that is a must when a sign is there. When there isn't one I write it on an index card and snap a photo of that.

    1. Good idea, Gale! I'll have to start carrying index cards in my bag. Perfect note-taking size.


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